National Paper Airplane Day is celebrated every year on May 26.
This short family film by Brian Crain beautifully sums up the essence behind the low-tech National Paper Airplane Day.
What better way to get your kids to run around than chasing after their airplane once it finally flies?
The Times Observer
Folding paper airplanes is a way to relax; a way to let the day's tension melt away.
Origami Resource Center
Making paper airplanes together creates family unity and loyalty, and builds self-esteem.
University of Nebraska
(College of Human Sciences)
A simple idea that has been culturally embraced for thousands of years, flying paper planes is an inexpensive, healthy, and stimulating form of entertainment.
Our mission is to encourage everyone young and old to put down their smartphones and iPads, get off the Internet, put down their Portal guns, and get outside for some primitive fun, tossing paper airplanes around with family and friends -- even if for only a few hours one day of the year!
Actually, we don't take donations. This isn't that kind of cause! I mean it's not like we're trying to cure cancer or anything. However, we would certainly appreciate you purchasing books about making paper airplanes from our sponsor, Amazon.
Got a great photo of you and your family/friends/colleagues flying paper airplanes that is worthy of our front page? As long as it's at least 1000×500 in size, we'll consider it. (Don't worry; we can resize the photo for you!)
Just email a JPG or its URL to our super-secret email address:
webmaster [that "swirly A symbol" thingy]